Along with TransNet, the half-cent sales tax that funds local transportation projects, SANDAG also provides a variety of different competitive grant programs to local jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, community groups, and transportation partners. Through SANDAG grant programs, we allocate millions of dollars each year in local, state, and federal funds to pay for dozens of key projects.
Grants are available to help our region create safer streets; promote multiple travel choices; increase connectivity to transit, schools, retail centers, parks, workplaces, and other community gathering places; protect the environment and conserve native habitats; and expand options for seniors and individuals with disabilities to get around the region.
Grant Solicitations
SANDAG uses BidNet Direct to publish all grant solicitations, distribute grant application materials, collect questions from prospective applicants and provide responses, and receive applications. Prospective applicants must register as a vendor on BidNet Direct to participate in SANDAG grant solicitations. There is no fee to register. For technical assistance, please contact the BidNet Direct Support Team at 800.835.4603, Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Time, or email
SANDAG Grant Awards
SANDAG has awarded grant funding to 585 grant projects across all our competitive grant programs. As of December 31, 2024, we have awarded $188 million to jurisdictions, nonprofit organizations, local governmental agencies, federal agencies, and transit operators throughout San Diego County. View the master list of awarded grants.