Social Services Transportation Advisory Council

The Social Services Transportation Advisory Council (SSTAC) oversees work on federal and state requirements and local concerns regarding transportation accessibility issues for the elderly and persons with disabilities. The Social Services Advisory Council reports to the Transportation Committee, which in turn reports to the SANDAG Board of Directors.
SSTAC meetings are generally bimonthly. At least once a year, the council holds a public hearing to solicit input on transportation needs from older individuals, persons with disabilities, and persons with limited means, in accordance with the California Public Utilities Code. The next public hearing will be at the July 2025 SSTAC meeting. Members of the public are invited to provide comments and input on transportation needs at any meeting of the SSTAC.

Contact Brian Lane at 619.699.7331 or with any questions.


The Social Services Transportation Advisory Council is composed of 16 members representing social service agencies, individuals, transportation providers, and the Consolidated Transportation Services Agency.

Alex Warner, Special Interest - Seat A
(Alternate) Wayne Landon, Special Interest - Seat A

Ted Kagan, Special Interest - Seat B
(Alternate) Clytie Koehler, Special Interest - Seat B

Todd Lordson (At-Large) - Seat A
(Alternate) Lorry Seagrim (At-Large) - Seat A

Sharon Beckas (At-Large) - Seat B
(Alternate) Todd Shaw (At-Large) - Seat B

Sharlene Ornelas (At-Large) - Seat C
(Alternate) Marissa Romero Lucero (At-Large) - Seat C

Marcy Roke, Social Services Provider for Seniors
(Alternate) Adrianna Yemhatpe, Social Services Provider for Seniors

Samantha Stephan, Social Services Provider for Seniors
(Alternate) Marianela Camarillo, Social Services Provider for Seniors

Maureen Glaser, Social Services Provider for Persons with Disabilities
(Alternate) Tina Nguyen, Social Services Provider for Persons with Disabilities

Rachel Holiday, Social Services Provider for Persons with Disabilities
(Alternate) Brian Nero, Social Services Provider for Persons with Disabilities

Kristine Stensberg, Social Services Provider for Persons with Limited Means
(Alternate) Marilyn Greenblatt, Social Services Provider for Persons with Limited Means

Bryan Killian, MTS Fixed Route
(Alternate) Keith Vann, MTS Fixed Route

Charles Posejpal, MTS Paratransit
(Alternate) Diana Hernandez, MTS Paratransit

Ioni Tcholakova, NCTD Fixed Route
(Alternate) Ricky Cervantes, NCTD Fixed Route

Robert Gebo, NCTD Paratransit
(Alternate) Katie Persons, NCTD Fixed Route

Ali Poorman, Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation
(Alternate) Christian Hernandez, Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation

Arun Prem, Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation
(Alternate) Paola Zilli, Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation


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