SANDAG is the San Diego Association of Governments. We are both a metropolitan planning organization and a council of governments, bringing together local decision-makers to develop solutions to regional issues including improving equity, transportation, air quality, clean energy, economic development, goods movement, public health, public safety, housing, and more.
SANDAG carefully tackles these regional issues with the communities we serve through a big-picture, coordinated approach. One of the primary ways we plan for the future is through the Regional Plan, a long-term vision for how we will transform the way people and goods move in the 21st century. We're hard at work bringing the plan to life by delivering near-term projects, identifying partnerships, seeking funding opportunities, and deploying pilot programs.
The agency is currently focused on speeding up delivery of major infrastructure projects throughout the region. This includes stabilizing the LOSSAN Corridor from erosion along the Del Mar bluffs and relocating the tracks off the bluffs, building regional transit connections to the San Diego International Airport, and strengthening crossborder travel between U.S. and Mexico by creating a new, modern border crossing—the Otay Mesa East Port of Entry.
Beyond planning for our region's infrastructure, we play a leading role in administering the TransNet Program, disseminating critical economic and criminal justice data, providing a forum for housing needs, implementing the census, and offering funding and technical assistance to partner agencies.
The agency is governed by a Board of Directors made up of elected officials from the region's 18 city councils and County Board of Supervisors, who represent every person across the region. Representatives from Imperial County, Caltrans, U.S. Department of Defense, Port of San Diego, San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, North County Transit District (NCTD), Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association, and Mexico serve on the Board as nonvoting advisory members.
Our team of professional staff support the Board of Directors and work to achieve SANDAG's mission through expertise in a broad range of technical, business, and operational areas.
Our Commitment to Equity
We hold ourselves accountable to the communities we serve. We acknowledge we have much to learn and much to change; and we firmly uphold equity and inclusion for every person in the San Diego region. This includes historically underserved, systemically marginalized groups impacted by actions and inactions at all levels of our government and society.
We have an obligation to eliminate disparities and ensure that safe, healthy, accessible, and inclusive opportunities are available to everyone. The SANDAG equity action plan will inform how we plan, prioritize, fund, and build projects and programs; frame how we work with our communities; define how we recruit and develop our employees; guide our efforts to conduct unbiased research and interpret data; and set expectations for companies and stakeholders that work with us.
We are committed to creating a San Diego region where every person who visits, works, and lives can thrive.