Airport Transit Connection

The Airport Transit Connection will create a direct link between the San Diego International Airport and our regional transit system. This new connection will be integrated with many existing and future travel options in our urban core, including regional rail, Trolley, Rapid and local bus services, shuttles, and safe biking and walking improvements.

Connected transportation options will make it easier for people to navigate the region—and access the airport—without relying on a car. This project will provide residents and visitors with:

  • Convenient access to airport terminals and local amenities
  • Equitable and reliable options that connect San Diego’s urban core to the surrounding region
  • A more seamless and stress-free experience when using transit to reach the airport for travel or work

Functional transit options to the airport are a key part of the 2021 Regional Plan, SANDAG’s blueprint for enhancing our region’s quality of life. Initial planning work identified potential Airport Transit Connection concepts. Information about these concepts can be found in our Airport Transit Connection Concept Evaluation Study, which is also linked in the Related Documents section below along with appendices.

Additional planning work will be carried out to evaluate which concepts are the most feasible and the best fit for the San Diego region. Leveraging updated growth forecasts and post-pandemic travel behavior assumptions will enable us to identify the best concepts to move into environmental analysis while also determining which are most competitive for state and federal funding.

Learn more by signing up for project updates at and watching our presentation to the Board of Directors on February 23, 2024.

Video of a SANDAG Board of Directors meeting on February 23, 2024. The video begins at (time stamp) with SANDAG staff presenting an informational update to the Board about the upcoming planning work on the Airport Transit Connection project.