Bylaws & Policies

Under federal law, SANDAG is designated as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and under state law as a Regional Transportation Planning Agency and a Council of Governments. The SANDAG Board of Directors annually reviews the Bylaws and Policies that govern the agency's work.

State law (SB 1703) informs the roles and responsibilities of SANDAG with transit functions of the Metropolitan Transit Development Board and the North San Diego County Transit Development Board. SB 1703 assigned SANDAG the responsibility for transit planning, funding allocation, project development, and eventually construction in the San Diego region in addition to its preexisting transportation responsibilities and other regional roles.

Policies & Guidelines

San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission Act (California Public Utilities Code 132000 - 132334)

San Diego Regional Transportation Consolidation Act (California Public Utilities Code Sections 132350 - 132372.4)

SB 1549, Vargas. Transportation Projects: Alternative Project Delivery Methods

SB 10, Kehoe. Airport land commissions: San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

AB 2032, Dutra. Hot Lanes: Demonstration Projects

SB 463, Ducheny. Toll roads: State Highway Route 125

SB 1486, Ducheny. Otay Mesa East Toll Facility Act

SB 468, Kehoe. North Coast Corridor Project

SB 1685, Kehoe. Regional Comprehensive Plan and Expansion of the Purposes for Which TransNet Revenues Can Be Used

SB 374, Hueso 2015. Expansion of design build authority to cover projects adjacent, or physically or functionally related, to transit facilities developed or jointly developed by SANDAG.

AB 805, Gonzalez Fletcher. County of San Diego: transportation agencies

SB 1151, Bates. Neighborhood electric vehicles: County of San Diego.

AB 1730, Gonzalez. Regional transportation plans: San Diego Association of Governments: housing.

AB 1413, Gloria. Transportation: transactions and use taxes

Comprehensive Fare Ordinance (April 2021)

TransNet Ordinance and Expenditure Plan (1988-2008)

TransNet Extension Ordinance and Expenditure Plan (2008-2048)

Amended and Restated TransNet Extension Ordinance and Expenditure Plan

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - December 2006

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - May 2008

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - July 2009

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - November 2009

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - March 2012

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - March 2017

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - February 2019

TransNet Ordinance Amendment - May 2021 

Final Bylaws

(Adopted July 2003; Amended November 2003, November 2004, January 2006, July 2007, December 2008, January 2010, March 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019, April 2020, February 2021, June 2021)

Board Policy No. 001 
Operations Policy - Board and Policy Advisory Committees Responsibilities (Adopted January 2003; Amended November 2004, January 2006, December 2006, January 2010, October 2013, March 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019, February 2021, June 2021, November 2022) 

Board Policy No. 002 
Policy Advisory Committee Membership (Adopted January 2003; Amended December 2003, November 2004, December 2005, December 2006, July 2007, November 2010, March 2014, September 2014, December 2015, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019, February 2021, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 003 
Investment Policy (Adopted January 2003; Amended November 2004, September 2005, December 2007, July 2008, July 2009, November 2010, February 2012, October 2013, November 2014, November 2015, February 2018, June 2021, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 004 
Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors, Policy Advisory Committees, and Other Legislative Bodies (Adopted June 2003; Amended November 2004, January 2006, December 2006, July 2007, December 2007, September 2008, January 2010, February 2012, November 2015, June 2021, November 2024) 

Board Policy No. 005 
Sponsorship of Events (Adopted June 2003) 

Board Policy No. 006 
Proclamations (Adopted June 2003) 

Board Policy No. 007 
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Programs (Adopted June 2003; Amended November 2004, December 2006, December 2008, November 2010, February 2012, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019, November 2022) 

Board Policy No. 008 
Legal Matters (Adopted June 2003; Amended November 2004, December 2006, December 2008, January 2010, November 2014, January 2017, June 2021, May 2024) 

Board Policy No. 009
董事会政策编号 009 | 009 سياسة مجلس الإدارة رقم
Discrimination Complaint Procedures (Adopted June 2003; Amended November 2004, January 2010, February 2012, October 2013, January 2017, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 010 
Ballot Measures (Adopted June 2003; Amended February 2018) 

Board Policy No. 011 
Travel Expenses (Adopted June 2003; Amended January 2006, December 2006, December 2008, January 2010, November 2015, February 2018, June 2021, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 012 
SANDAG Service Bureau (Adopted June 2003; Amended May 2005, January 2010, February 2018) 

Board Policy No. 013 
Conflict Resolution Procedure (Adopted June 2003) 

Board Policy No. 014 
Environmental Quality (Adopted June 2003, October 2013) 

Board Policy No. 015 
Records Management (Adopted June 2003; Amended December 2004, December 2006, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019) 

Board Policy No. 016 
Procurement of Services (Adopted October 2003; Amended November 2004, December 2006, December 2007, December 2008, January 2010, November 2010, March 2014, November 2014, December 2015, January 2017, February 2018, February 2021, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 017 
Delegation of Authority (Adopted October 2003; Amended November 2004, December 2006, December 2008, February 2012, October 2013, November 2014, January 2019, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 018 
Transit Service Policies (Adopted June 2003; Amended September 2004, March 2005, August 2006, December 2008, February 2012, May 2013, January 2017, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 019 
Project Plans, Specifications and Estimates (Adopted November 2003, December 2008) 

Board Policy No. 020 
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for Capital Improvement Projects (Adopted November 2003) 

Board Policy No. 021 
Acquisition of Real Property Interests and Relocation Assistance (Adopted November 2003; Amended December 2008, October 2013) 

Board Policy No. 022 
Utility Agreements and Relocation (Adopted November 2003, December 2008) 

Board Policy No. 023 
Procurement and Contracting - Equipment & Supplies (Adopted November 2003; Amended December 2006, December 2007, December 2008, November 2014, February 2018, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 024 
Procurement and Contracting - Construction (Adopted November 2003; Amended December 2006, December 2007, December 2008, January 2010, November 2010, February 2012, October 2013, November 2014, January 2017, February 2018, January 2019, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 025 
Public Participation/Involvement Policy (Adopted November 2004; Amended March 2005, January 2006, December 2007, December 2008, January 2010, November 2012, September 2017, February 2018) 

Board Policy No. 026 
Public Safety Policy Advisory Committee (PSPAC) (Adopted December 2003; Amended November 2004, September 2014) 

Board Policy No. 027 
Transportation Development Act (Adopted February 2004; Amended December 2007, November 2010, October 2013, January 2017, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 028 
Asset Ownership and Disposition (Adopted April 2004; Amended November 2010, November 2014, January 2019) 

Board Policy No. 029 
Regional Fare Policy and Comprehensive Fare Ordinance (Adopted October 2004; Amended February 2006, December 2008) 

Board Policy No. 030 
Contingency Reserve Policy (Adopted June 2005; Amended December 2006, November 2014, January 2019) 

Board Policy No. 031 
TransNet Ordinance and Expenditure Plan Rules (Adopted February, April, and May 1988; August 1989; March, July, and November 1990; October 1992; September and November 2005, Amended June and December 1990; February 1991; November 2005; December 2006; December 2007; February 2008; March 2008; September 2008; July 2009; January and November 2010; February and July 2012; October 2013; January 2017; January 2019; June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 032 
San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission Interest Rate Swap Policy (Adopted November 2005; Amended November 2013, November 2014, February 2018, June 2021) 

Board Policy No. 033 
SANDAG Grant Funding Incentives to Accelerate Housing Production (Adopted April 2006; Amended November 2008, January 2012, November 2015, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 034 
Advertising Policy (Adopted April 2008; Amended February 2012) 

Board Policy No. 035 
Competitive Grant Program Procedures (Adopted January 2010; Amended November 2014, November 2022)  

Board Policy No. 036 
San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission Debt Policy (Adopted October 2013; Amended January 2017) 

Board Policy No. 037 
Debt Policy (Adopted September 2017) 

Board Policy No. 038 
SANDAG State Route 125 South Bay Expressway Toll Policy (Adopted September 2017) 

Board Policy No. 039 
Audit Policy Advisory Committee and Audit Activities (Adopted December 2017; Amended January 2019; Amended September 2019) 

Board Policy No. 040 
Unsolicited Proposals and Partnership Requests (Adopted June 2019) 

Board Policy No. 041 
Internal Control Standards Policy (Adopted September 2019) 

Board Policy No. 042 
Policy of Reporting Procedures and Form for Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (Adopted September 2019) 

The SANDAG Public Records Request Guidelines are intended to assist the public in making public records requests and receiving timely responses under the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250 et seq.).

Any requests for records should be directed to Peter Stevens at 619.595.5622 or

SANDAG strongly discourages consultants, contractors, vendors and agents thereof currently doing business with or planning to seek contract awards from SANDAG from giving gifts to SANDAG officers, employees, agents or Board members who have taken or may in the future take part in contracting decisions for SANDAG. SANDAG’s officers, employees, agents, and Board members shall not solicit or accept gifts, gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to sub agreements that could bias their decision-making. This prohibition applies to any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, or loan, and includes such items as liquor, lodging, travel, food, and tickets to public functions such as sports events, theater, etc. If a person has any reason to believe a financial or organizational conflict of interest exists with regard to a particular procurement, they should notify the SANDAG Office of General Counsel immediately.

Officials, employees and agents of SANDAG involved in the SANDAG contracting process are “designated officials and employees” in SANDAG’s Conflict of Interest Code and must report gifts from third parties on a Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 as required by the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). SANDAG Board Policy Nos. 004 and 011, the Conflict of Interest Code, and Guidance Regarding Gifts are all documents that discuss the obligations of designated officials and employees with regard to gifts and travel.

Qualifying gifts and donations to SANDAG versus an individual are reported on FPPC Forms 801 and 802, which must be filed with the state's filing agent for San Diego County and posted on the SANDAG Web site. Additional information regarding FPPC reporting requirements can be found on the FPPC's Web site, and in Title 2 of California Code of Regulations section 18944 et seq.

Standard Terms and Conditions for Service Bureau Products and Services 
In accordance with SANDAG policy, clients entering into the Standard Agreement for Services with the SANDAG Service Bureau agree to comply with the terms and conditions as set forth in this document

Standard Terms and Conditions 
In accordance with SANDAG policy, vendors accepting a SANDAG purchase order agree to comply with the terms and conditions as set forth in this document. In addition, vendors filling an order in whole or in part agree to comply with the applicable federal provisions.

Standard Federal Provisions - Federal Transit Administration 
In accordance with SANDAG policy and compliance with the federal regulations, the Standard Federal Provisions apply to purchase orders and procurements funded in whole or in part with federal funds.

Standard Federal Provisions - Federal Highway Administration 
In accordance with SANDAG policy and compliance with the federal regulations, the Standard Federal Provisions apply to purchase orders and procurements funded in whole or in part with federal funds.

Contracts in Excess of $100,000 Federal Requirements 
Procurements that are in excess of $100,000 and federally funded must adhere to the Standard Federal Provisions/Federal Requirements for Procurements in Excess of $100,000.

SANDAG has several federal, state, and local designations that form the framework for what we do. Below are some of SANDAG’s most important designations and critical responsibilities. Find SANDAG’s governing legislation and a complete list of our mandates and designations on our website.


Metropolitan Planning Organization
Every major region throughout the country is required to have an MPO. As the San Diego region’s MPO, SANDAG is one of 18 in California. In this role, we are required to have a long-range, comprehensive Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP). This role also allows us to receive formula federal funds.

Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture
The U.S. Department of Transportation and federal regulations require that federally funded projects be consistent with an adopted regional Intelligent Transportation System architecture.

Federal and State

Co-Lead Agency for Air Quality Planning
SANDAG carries out air quality planning mandates in cooperation with the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (APCD). We determine conformity of transportation plans and programs—RTP and RTIP—with an air quality plan.

Area-Wide Clearinghouse
SANDAG reviews projects with regional impacts under California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act.


Regional Transportation Planning and Fund Allocation Agency
As the regional transportation planning agency, SANDAG adopts the RTP and RTIP, the five-year programming of state and federal transportation funds. The agency also allocates Transportation Development Act funds (local quarter-percent sales tax collected statewide and returned to the county based on the amount collected, approximately $176 million in FY 2023).

San Diego Regional Consolidated Agency
This designation consolidated regionally significant transit planning, programming, project development, and construction into SANDAG, Day-to-day operations responsibilities remain with the existing transit operators. SANDAG is also authorized by statute to place a ballot measure before the voters and use revenues from the sales tax to provide infrastructure that maintains and improves the region's quality of life. Examples include habitat conservation, shoreline preservation, water quality enhancement, and public transit.

SANDAG determines each jurisdiction’s share as part of the Regional Housing Needs Assessment and establishes performance criteria for self-certification of housing elements.

Otay Mesa East Toll Facility Act
This legislative act authorizes SANDAG to establish highway toll projects to facilitate the movement of goods and people along the State Route 11/Otay Mesa East Port of Entry corridor.

San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Reform Act of 2007
Senate Bill 10 (Chapter 287, Statutes of 2007) defines the responsibilities of SANDAG and the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (SDCRAA) regarding aviation and surface transportation planning. The SDCRAA is responsible for developing the Regional Aviation Strategic Plan in coordination with SANDAG.

State and Local

Congestion Management Agency
All 18 cities and the county government have designated SANDAG as the Congestion Management Agency responsible for adopting a Congestion Management Program (CMP), overseeing preparation of deficiency plans, and monitoring local agency compliance with the CMP.

Local and Voter Approval

San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission
SANDAG is the designated commission and administers the local half-cent sales tax, TransNet, for transportation purposes (approximately $376 million in FY 2023).


Council of Governments
This designation makes SANDAG the public forum for regional decision-making among the area’s 18 cities and county government relating to a broad range of topics pertinent to the region’s quality of life. Some of the regional topics include strategic planning, allocation of resources, and the creation of accurate, timely, and useful demographic, economic, transportation, planning, borders, environmental, and public safety information.

Regional Census Data Center
The Regional Census Data Center was established to increase the accuracy, availability, and use of census data by coordinating with the Census Bureau, the State Census Data Center network, and local agencies in all aspects of census planning and data analysis.

Regional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse
The Regional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse provides the means to seek and secure research funds from local, state, and federal sources to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of crime control programs. Assistance to member agencies occurs through various avenues: publishing crime and arrest reports, sharing resources and information, quality assurance studies of crime-related data, impact assessments of crime-reduction strategies, long-term evaluations of critical issues, and grant writing assistance for agencies seeking grant funding. Through the Regional Criminal Justice Clearinghouse, staff also conducts analyses of offender drug use.

North County Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (Local)
Undertaken on behalf of the seven North County cities, SANDAG serves as the policy body for the program.

Regional Toll Authority (Congestion Management and Infrastructure Financing)
In this role, SANDAG is responsible for the delivery and operation of pricing programs such as the Interstate 15 Express Lanes and future managed lanes. Fees support the operation and maintenance of the program and provide additional funding for Rapid transit and vanpool services in the corridor.

Automated Regional Justice Information System
ARJIS Joint Powers Agency is to develop and maintain state-of-the-art criminal justice information technology that provides its members with seamless, cross-jurisdictional access to essential, accurate, real-time data via a secure criminal justice enterprise network. As the convening agency for regional justice technology, ARJIS enhances officer and public safety.

Freeway Service Patrol Administration
In this capacity, SANDAG provides rapid assistance to stranded motorists during peak traffic periods on various highways. This service reduces congestion and increases safety.

Successor Agency for the San Diego Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies
SANDAG administers the Motorist Aid Call Box Program in San Diego County, which provides lifeline support for stranded motorists. Managed by SANDAG since January 1, 2013, the program is funded by a $1 vehicle registration fee paid by residents in San Diego County.

Regional Transportation Demand Management Program Administration
SANDAG provides and administers the regional Sustainable Transportation Services program consisting of carpool, vanpool, and transit programs; bike parking programs; telework; employer and school outreach; and other projects.

State Route 125 Toll Facility
SANDAG administers toll collection on the State Route 125 Toll Road under a long-term lease with the State of California. This agency responsibility was approved by the Board in December 2011.

Intergovernmental Review
In this capacity, SANDAG conducts reviews of regionally significant projects that may impact the implementation of the RTP and/or its Sustainable Communities Strategy. The review ensures these projects are coordinated appropriately with local jurisdictions, Caltrans, transit agencies, APCD, and other agencies.

Regional Information System
The Regional Information System (RIS) is a nationally recognized integrated system of data, computer models, state-of-the-art analytical tools, and staff expertise. It is the San Diego region’s most comprehensive databank of historic, current, and forecasted demographic, economic, land use, criminal justice, and transportation-related information. SANDAG, its member and partner agencies, and the public rely on the RIS as the foundation for planning, policy research, analyses, and studies of local and regional issues.

SANDAG Service Bureau
The SANDAG Service Bureau provides research and technical products and services on a fee-for-service basis to government agencies and private organizations and individuals. Examples include custom compilation and analysis of demographic and economic information, custom mapping, transportation modeling and analysis projects, geographic information system analysis, and survey design and analysis.

This is a memoranda of understanding (MOU) or contractual agreement where SANDAG agrees to perform specific services in exchange for fees, which provide the funding for the applicable task or product budgeted.

Master Agreement with Caltrans
SANDAG honors its commitment through a Master Fund Transfer Agreement with Caltrans District 11.

Memoranda of Understanding with Member Agency(ies)
SANDAG maintains commitments through an MOU between itself and one or more of the member agencies.

Memoranda of Understanding with Metropolitan Transit System and North County
SANDAG honors its transit district commitments through an MOU between SANDAG, the Metropolitan Transit System, and the North County Transit District.

Local, State, or Federal Grant Conditions
This is a project-specific local, state, or federal grant agreement where reimbursement of costs is conditioned upon completion of applicable activities, tasks, or products.

Regional Beach Sand Replenishment Program
SANDAG administers the Regional Beach Sand Replenishment Program in coordination with federal, state, and local agencies.

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