2021 Regional Plan Amendment

Due to significant community advocacy, we amended the 2021 Regional Plan to remove a regional road user charge as one of the possible future funding sources for the transportation network. 

This change to the plan required a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), which analyzed the amendment’s potential impact on our region’s environment. We responded to public comments submitted on the SEIR in Attachment C and Appendix F of the revised plan.

Where We Are Now

In fall 2023, the SANDAG Board of Directors certified the SEIR and adopted the amendment along with the CEQA Findings of FactStatement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the SEIR.

In February 2025, the California Air Resources Board approved the Amended 2021 Regional Plan, verifying that the Sustainable Communities Strategy will achieve mandated 2035 GHG reduction targets.

In alignment with past community feedback, SANDAG has not pursued a regional road usage charge as part of the development of the Draft 2025 Regional Plan, which will be released for public feedback in spring 2025.

Read about the Amendment and SEIR

The amendment was available for public review and comment from June 13, 2023 through August 8, 2023. A public hearing was held on June 23, followed by three virtual workshops.

Tuesday, July 18 at 12:30 p.m. (Presentation | Meeting Video)

Monday, July 31 at 5:15 p.m. (Presentation | Meeting Video | Video de la Reunion)

Thursday, August 3 at 8:30 a.m. (Presentation | Meeting Video)