Regional Bike & Pedestrian Counts

Bike and pedestrian counters are electronic devices placed at a screenline location to detect and count the pedestrians and bikes passing the sensors. Counters help us track trends in order to assess ridership and investments for improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure. SANDAG, San Diego State University, and the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency developed the country’s largest bike and pedestrian counter network – the San Diego Regional Bike and Pedestrian Counter Network that spans 15 jurisdictions. At SANDAG, we play an important role in convening a quarterly Task Force with all agencies maintaining automated bike, pedestrian, equestrian, or micromobility counters in the region.

“Continuous counts” data from the 13 SANDAG-maintained counters on the Regional Bike Network is analyzed and reported in the State of the Commute, Infobits publications, and various efforts further described in the Active Transportation Project Evaluation Manual. SANDAG has also been conducting 24-hour “short duration” counts of bikes, pedestrians, and other micromobilty devices annually at strategic locations along the SANDAG Early Action Program (EAP) Bikeways corridors. Short duration and continuous counts data collected by SANDAG is processed for agency use and imported to a single site visible at the Nonmotorized Database System (NMDS), a module of the Transportation Data Management System. 

SANDAG is not responsible for the accuracy or correctness of the data. In no event shall SANDAG become liable to users of these data, or any other party, for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, including but not limited to time, money, or goodwill, arising from the use, operation or modification of the data. In using these data, users further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SANDAG for any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from the lack of accuracy or correctness of the data, or the use of the data. 

For questions about the program, contact: Josh Clark, 619.699.6906,


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