Unincorporated San Diego County Regional Plan Community Workshop
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
6 p.m.
Join us to learn more about the transportation projects and programs coming to your area in the short-term and to share what transportation options would make it easier for you to move around the San Diego region in the long-term.
Plus, learn how community input gets used in the Regional Plan and how your government makes decisions about which projects and programs to prioritize.
There will be Spanish interpretation. If you or someone you know needs another language, including ASL, or an accommodation for a disability to participate, please email Allie (afen@sandag.org) at least three business days before the event.
This workshop will be virtual.
Este taller será en inglés con interpretación simultánea en español. Si usted o alguien que conoce ocupa interpretación en otros idiomas, o algún acomodación por su discapacidad para participar, por favor mande un correo electrónico a Alejandra (afen@sandag.org) al menos tres días laborales antes del taller.