Bike Month

May is National Bike Month

At SANDAG, we are dedicated to providing options for how people travel around the San Diego region, including biking, walking, riding transit, and sharing the ride. With more than 1,800 miles of bikeways in the region, biking is a vital factor in our transportation network. It alleviates traffic, reduces air pollution, and improves individual health.

Throughout May, we host bike activities to celebrate Bike Month, including the annual event of Bike Anywhere Day!

SANDAG Bike Anywhere Day

Bike Anywhere Day (formerly Bike to Work Day) is a free, annual event that SANDAG has hosted in the San Diego region for more than 30 years. It is an opportunity for everyone to ride to work, school, the beach, or . . . anywhere.

Thank you to the 9,020 Bike Anywhere Day 2024 participants who pedaled across the San Diego region to more than 100 pit stops on Thursday, May 16!

From Oceanside to Tijuana, pit stops provided a free commemorative t-shirt, snacks, refreshments, and fun to participating commuters, hybrid workers, students, families, and more.

Stay tuned for Bike Anywhere Day 2025!

SANDAG Bike Anywhere Day 2024 promotional video featuring multiple individuals riding their bikes in different parts of the San Diego region. One person celebrates as she arrives to a SANDAG Bike Anywhere Day pit stop. She high-fives the staff and is given a free, commemorative t-shirt. The event was on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Visit for more information.