Register for Bike Anywhere Day
Thursday, May 15
SANDAG Bike Anywhere Day is back! SANDAG has hosted an annual biking event in the San Diego region for more than 30 years during National Bike Month. Register to participate in our free event on Thursday, May 15, and stop by one of our 100 pit stops between 6:30 and 9:30 a.m. for a free t-shirt, snacks, and more (while supplies last). Don’t forget to check out our other Bike Month activities including group bike rides, bike classes, business promotions, and more!
This year, eligible Bike Anywhere Day registrants will be automatically entered for the chance to win one of three e-bikes, powered by Rad Power Bikes. View sweepstakes rules.
Register TodayHost a Pit Stop
SANDAG will select up to 100 organizations to set up and host pit stops across the San Diego region. Each pit stop host will provide event participants with a free Bike Anywhere Day t-shirt, snacks, and encouragement on the morning of Thursday, May 15. SANDAG will provide supplies to pit stop hosts.
Submit your organization's application to host a pit stop by Friday, March 28.
Apply to Host a Pit StopPlan Your Route
A map of this year’s pit stop locations is coming soon.
Explore our interactive bike map and find a SANDAG bikeway near you.