<h1>Bike Anywhere Pit Stop Host Application</h1> <h1>Bike Anywhere Pit Stop Host Application</h1>

Bike Anywhere Pit Stop Host Application

Thank you for your interest in hosting a pit stop for SANDAG Bike Anywhere Day 2025 on Thursday, May 15! Please complete the form below to submit your application.

The SANDAG evaluation panel will review and score all applications based on the criteria and point total. Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision no later than Wednesday, April 9. Organizations that wish to host multiple pit stops should submit one application per pit stop location. Organizations selected to host a pit stop are required to attend a webinar on Wednesday, April 16 at 11:30 a.m. Please save this date!

Application deadline: Friday, March 28 at 11:59 p.m. (PDT)

Pit Stop Coordinator Responsibilities

Selected pit stop coordinators must agree to several responsibilities:

  • Attend the pit stop host webinar on Wednesday, April 16.
  • Promote Bike Anywhere Day on the organization’s social media channels (if possible) leading up to the event on Thursday, May 15.
  • Tag official SANDAG social profiles in posts.
  • Use the hashtag #BikeAnywhereSD in posts.
  • Post SANDAG-provided Bike Anywhere Day posters in common areas at the organization/company (if possible).
  • Attend the pit stop materials pickup event on Tuesday, May 13 at Mission Valley Library during assigned time (between 10 a.m.-1 p.m.).
  • Host pit stop on Bike Anywhere Day, Thursday, May 15.
    • Set up by 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 9:30 a.m. (note new time).
    • Pit stop must be in a safe, visible, and accessible location.
    • Pit stop must provide refreshments (water at minimum).
    • Pit stop must display SANDAG-provided signage and materials.
    • Pit stop staff must be friendly with a positive and encouraging attitude.
  • Submit a tally of pit stop visits by noon on Thursday, May 15.
  • Return leftover event t-shirts (if more than 15 remain) to SANDAG (1011 Union Street, Suite 400, San Diego, CA 92101) by Friday, May 23 or arrange a pickup by contacting biking@sandag.org.
  • Complete a pit stop coordinator survey following Bike Anywhere Day.

Pit Stop Coordinator Contact Information

Alternate Contact

Application Questions

1. Proposed pit stop location (30 points)

All pit stop locations will be mapped on Google and must be verified by pit stop host. Potential pit stops located in historically underrepresented areas will be prioritized.

SANDAG reserves the right to award pit stops based on proximity to SANDAG regional bikeways and geographic necessity alone. Alternatively, if multiple applicants propose the same pit stop location, SANDAG reserves the right to suggest applicants co-host pit stops.

2. Ability to create a fun, safe, and engaging atmosphere (30 points)

3. Experience and capacity to host a pit stop (30 points)

Pit stop applicants must be willing to co-host a pit stop.

4. Quality, relevance, and feasibility of the application (10 points)

Your application will be evaluated based on quality, relevance, and feasibility. No response is required here.

5. Bonus: SANDAG Employer Commuter Program (5 points)

First-time pit stop host/coordinator (select all that apply)

All applicants (required agreements)