California Active Transportation Program

Like SANDAG, the state of California encourages active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking, and has made millions of dollars available for projects around the state. The Active Transportation Program (ATP) was created by Senate Bill 99 and Assembly Bill 101 in 2013; in 2017, $100 million in additional annual funding from Senate Bill 1 was added to the program.  

The ATP’s goals are to increase the proportion of trips accomplished by walking and biking, increase the safety and mobility of non-motorized users, advance regional efforts to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, enhance public health, and provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit everyone in the region. 

The ATP is administered jointly by the California Transportation Commission and Caltrans. Program funding is awarded in two stages, beginning with a statewide competition led by Caltrans, followed by a regional competition led by SANDAG. 

The ATP has been a major success, having funded more than 800 active transportation projects across the state benefiting both urban and rural areas. More than 400 of the projects are Safe Routes to Schools programs that encourage a healthy and active lifestyle throughout students' lives. More than 85% of all funds have gone toward projects that benefit disadvantaged communities throughout the state.