North Park | Mid-City Bikeways

The North Park | Mid-City Bikeways will make it safer and easier for people of all ages and abilities to bike to more places within and between the North Park and Mid-City communities. The bikeways consist of six segments that total 12 miles of bike boulevards and protected bikeways. Features include traffic calming elements, safer crossings, and other streetscape enhancements that make streets more pleasant for everyone, including people who bike, walk, work, and live in the area.

Visit our Bikeway and Walkway Projects page for project terminology definitions and to find links to information on other bikeway and walkway projects. For more information, check our News page for project updates, subscribe to our email list, or contact with any questions.

North Park | Mid-City Bikeway Segments

The 3.5-mile Georgia-Meade Bikeway runs along Georgia Street between Robinson Avenue and Howard Avenue, shifts to Howard Avenue for one block, and continues from Florida Street to Meade Avenue. This bikeway provides a vital connection for residents to walk and bike between vibrant communities within San Diego’s urban core: University Heights, North Park, Normal Heights, and Kensington-Talmadge. Features include buffered bike lanes, neighborhood traffic circles, raised crosswalks, and other traffic calming measures designed to make the streets more pleasant for everyone, including people who bike, walk, and drive. The project was opened to the public in March 2022.

The 3.1-mile Landis Bikeway provides a vital connection for residents to walk and bike between two vibrant communities within San Diego’s urban core: North Park and City Heights. The bikeway runs along Landis Street between Alabama Street and Chamoune Avenue and will connect to the future Robinson Bikeway. Features include buffered bike lanes, raised crosswalks, neighborhood traffic circles, and other traffic calming features designed to make Landis Street more pleasant for everyone. Construction of the Landis Bikeway was completed in April 2022.

The University Bikeway will run along University Avenue, between Estrella Avenue and 69th Street, and along Estrella Avenue between University and Orange avenues. The proposed bikeway will also provide an important connection to the Howard Bikeway and Orange Bikeway to the north and west, and an entire network of high-priority regional bikeways just beyond. Proposed features include separated bikeways, buffered bike lanes, high visibility treatments, and protected intersections designed to make the streets more pleasant for everyone. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2025.

SANDAG regional bikeway projects are reflected in our annual Program Budget. View the entire budget map to explore all our mappable projects.

The Howard Bikeway will be 1.2 miles along Howard Avenue, between Park Boulevard and 32nd Street. The proposed bikeway will also provide important connections to several regional bikeways, including Georgia-Meade Bikeway to the west and Orange Bikeway to the east, which will in turn connect to University Bikeway and Central Avenue Bikeway. Proposed features include buffered bike lanes, neighborhood traffic circles, curb extensions, and traffic calming measures designed to make the streets more pleasant for everyone. The project is currently in the final design phase and construction is anticipated to start in 2025, pending funding availability.

SANDAG regional bikeway projects are reflected in our annual Program Budget. View the entire budget map to explore all our mappable projects.

The 2.1-mile Orange Bikeway will run along Orange Avenue between 32nd Street and Estrella Avenue. The bikeway will provide important connections to several regional bikeways including Howard Bikeway to the west, University Bikeway to the south and east, and Central Avenue Bikeway (a north-south bikeway connecting Meade, Orange, and Landis bikeways). Proposed features include buffered bike lanes, median island traffic diverters, neighborhood traffic circles, curb extensions, and other traffic calming measures designed to make the streets more pleasant for everyone. The project is currently in the final design phase and construction is anticipated to begin in 2025.

SANDAG regional bikeway projects are reflected in our annual Program Budget. View the entire budget map to explore all our mappable projects.

The Robinson Bikeway will provide a vital connection for residents to walk and bike between two communities within San Diego’s urban core: North Park and Hillcrest. The Robinson Bikeway will run along Robinson Avenue between Florida Street and Alabama Street and will connect to the Georgia-Meade Bikeway to the north, Park Boulevard Bikeway to the west, and Landis Bikeway to the east. Proposed features include an elevated path to bridge the Florida Canyon between Florida and Alabama streets, buffered bike lanes, crosswalks, and traffic calming features designed to make Robinson Avenue more pleasant for all people traveling in the area. The project is currently in the final design phase.

SANDAG regional bikeway projects are reflected in our annual Program Budget. View the entire budget map to explore all our mappable projects.