The Washington Street and Mission Valley Bikeways project is the third of four segments planned as part of the Uptown Bikeways projects. The 3.3-mile bikeway project features separated and buffered bike lanes plus traffic calming measures and improvements for walkers, such as high visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, and traffic signal enhancements.
The project was strategically selected and designed to enhance transit and roadway operations and maximize safety for all road users. SANDAG worked with local businesses, residents, schools, and community groups to incorporate feedback on project aesthetics, landscaping, and design features to the extent possible. SANDAG will manage construction, and the City of San Diego will own and operate the bikeway.
Washington Street Bikeway
- Separated bike lanes and shared bike and car lanes will be added on Washington Street from the Washington Street Trolley Station to University Avenue, connecting the Middletown and Mission Hills neighborhoods.
- Separated bike lanes will be added on San Diego Avenue from Washington Street to Noel Street.
Mission Valley Bikeway
- New shared lane markings with a contra-flow bike lane will extend along Third Avenue from Washington Street to Lewis Street and along Lewis Street from Bachman Place to Third Avenue.
- Shared bike and car lanes will be added from Lewis Street to Hotel Circle South.
- Separated bike lanes will be installed on Hotel Circle South, Camino De La Reina, and Avenida Del Rio from Bachman Place to Riverwalk Drive connecting Uptown to Mission Valley and the San Diego River Trail.
- Shared lane markings and wayfinding signage will also be installed on Third Avenue from Washington Street to Walnut Avenue, and along Walnut Avenue from Third Avenue to Fifth Avenue.
SANDAG regional bikeway projects are reflected in our annual Program Budget. View the entire budget map to explore all our mappable projects.