Bike Classes for Employees

SANDAG offers free bike classes for businesses in the San Diego region. These classes are designed to help employees learn essential skills to commute with confidence.


All classes are designed to be customizable based on employee interests and are taught by certified league instructors from the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition. Interpretation services are available upon request. Classes will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Bike Commuting 101: Covers basic route planning, bike lane and road infrastructure types, proper bike and vehicle lane positioning, and other essential skills for riding to work.
  • Bike Commuting 202: Goes beyond the Commuting 101 class with information about how to choose the right bike (including e-bike options), how to commute with gear, advanced route planning, and more.
  • All About E-bikes: Focuses on rules of the road, e-bike types, signs and signals, where to ride, how to safely secure your bike, and more.
  • Bike Friendly Driving: Teaches drivers and people on bikes valuable skills on how to share the road including laws regarding right-of-way, lane positioning, and passing. 
  • Bike Maintenance Quick Check: On-site bike activity with a local bike shop mechanic offering quick bike checks covering the top things to know and look for when riding.

Employers in the San Diego region are eligible to sign up. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email with more details. A representative from SANDAG will follow up within three business days to schedule your class.

Sign Up for a Class

Fill out the form or contact to sign up for a free bike class for your employees.

Organization Information

Contact Information

Class Preference

Program Partners
