Because the rail line through the LOSSAN Corridor is so essential, we are working on responses to landslides, erosion, and seismic activity which have caused collapses along the coastal bluffs in Del Mar and temporary shutdowns of the rail line. In the short term, we are working to stabilize the Del Mar bluffs. We are also exploring long-term solutions to ensure the rail corridor remains safe, reliable, and resilient.
Progress to Date
After completing a planning study in 2023 and gathering public input, a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was released in June 2024. In response to comments we received on the NOP, we launched a value analysis study to enhance the proposed alignment alternatives and identify new options for consideration.
On February 28, 2025, the SANDAG Board of Directors directed staff to move the proposed project goals, objectives, and alternative alignments, including a no build alternative, forward into environmental document process.
- San Dieguito Bridge to I-5 Knoll: Aligned to minimize impacts to Del Mar, the Fairgrounds, and San Dieguito Double Track Bridge
- Under Crest Canyon (Under Jimmy Durante to I-5 Knoll): Realigned to minimize subsurface easements by routing below Crest Canyon
- Under Camino Del Mar (Under Jimmy Durante to Torrey Pines Road West): Aligned to minimize subsurface easements by following below Camino Del Mar
- Del Mar Bluffs Double Track Reinforced: Maintains current alignment, adds double track along the bluffs and through Los Penasquitos Lagoon with bluff reinforcement and more robust seawalls
- No Build: Includes continuation of major stabilization efforts that would be required to protect the existing single-track alignment

Next Steps
SANDAG will implement the Board’s direction by advancing the design of alternatives to include in the Draft EIR.
Based on public feedback and the direction of the Board, refinements and revisions to alternative concepts will continue to be made throughout the environmental process.
As part of the environmental process, there will be additional opportunities for the public as well as local, state, and federal agencies to provide input. The next opportunities to provide input are when the NOP is posted this spring and when the Notice of Intent is posted under the National Environmental Protection Act.
Value Analysis Study
Notice of Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report
LOSSAN Rail Realignment Alternatives Analysis
- San Dieguito to Sorrento Valley Double Track Alternatives Analysis: Full Report (2023)
- San Dieguito to Sorrento Valley Double Track Alternatives Analysis: Appendices
Past Events
- Public Scoping Meeting: June 18, 2024
- Alignments Workshop: November 15, 2023
- Alignments Workshop: November 6, 2023
- Virtual Information Session: October 19, 2023
- Tunneling Workshop: October 4, 2023
Connect with Us
We value your input and regularly review public comments and feedback. There are many ways for you to stay informed and share your thoughts.
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- Check our calendar for opportunities to engage.
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